What an absolute honour to be in the space of so many outstanding women as I got to tell my story 

When WOW Australia invited me to be on the local programming team for the Biloela event I jumped straight in and said yes, cause that’s what I do

Thankyou Jo and Cathy, I am blessed that I got to connect with you both

I had no idea what they did but after a little bit of googling and watching YouTube I realised this most definitely was something I wanted to be apart of. Advocating for gender equality- yes please

When they asked me to do a Wow Bites session I once again jumped in feet first and said yep, but I did hesitate for a second as I thought, who the heck wants to listen to me waffle on

The women that were in my bite session were so inspirational to me and I listened in awe.

The honourable Quentin Bryce former Governor General of Australia opened the event
I got to have a quick chat with her but forgot a pic

If there’s anything I learnt from being apart of this magnificent event it’s that being surrounded by strong supportive women is something I will never take for granted and is something I choose to do in every aspect of my life.
The stories I heard today from people from all different walks of life will stay with me for a very long time.
To W.O.W Australia THANKYOU so much for creating festivals like these for everyday women like me. My cup is overflowing, my heart is exploding and my brain is processing.
To my beautiful friends Casey, Laura and Beck who showed their braveness and also spoke. I’m super proud of you all 

To those friends who came and supported this event, THANKYOU 

If you missed it, weeelll
. You should have been there because it was Amazing.

There was some pretty groovy dance moves going on

Wearing Bohemian Traders https://birdieandlace.com.au/collections/bohemian-traders